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“Aim for success, not perfection. Never give up your right to be wrong, because then you will lose the ability to learn new things and move forward with your life. Remember that fear always lurks behind perfectionism.”
David M. Burns

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CleverQuotes is interested in quotes by famous people and public figures – those who are in the news, and often the subjects of current interviews and news stories. We will accept quotations from people, animals or other fictional characters from books, television shows, movies, cartoons, or the like, at our discretion, but it must be clean and fit within our guidelines.

Quotable people are newsmakers - people that make headlines by their actions or who are headliners or special guests on major network news programs. People such as Colin Powell, Gordon Brown, Angela Merkel – who hold high-ranking public office – generals, mayors, governors, senators, CEOs, heads of major organizations, or famous names of people in the news, like celebrities, musicians, actors or sports stars.

We would love for you to also participate and share your jokes, spiritual, inspirational and fun quotes here in CleverQuotes, as long as it fits within our guild lines "You'll never know, what you put in, just might be the words that brighten and kick start someone's day!"

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  2. The quote you provide MUST APPEAR on the web page URL you provide.
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